Old Struga on photos

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The banks of the river Black Drim in 1937.
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The old "Daljani" (a dam like net made out of wood and cane for fishing eels) in the Northern neighborhood of the town.
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The banks of the Black Drim after the downtown bridge.
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The acacia trees along the river blossomed
spreading their smell throughout Struga
The crying willow trees bursted into leaf
adorning the Drim with green fringes

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The popular "Korzo" or "charshija" (main street of the town) on the beginning of the 20th century.
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A man working on a watermill on the river in the outskirts of the town.
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I remember
the Drim and the Lake
were like the sky
and Struga
was like the sky

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Fishermen coming back from fishing on the Lake at sunset.
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Galeb restaurant, Brothers Miladinovci school and the mouth of Black Drim viewed from Mashka beach.
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See the clear lake stretching white
Or bluely darkened by the wind
Look you at the plains or mountains:
Beauty everywhere divine.

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Children playing on the bridge and in the river during summer. The old downtown bridge was a hanging bridge.
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The clock tower and its neighbourhood close to downtown Struga. The tower together with all of the old houses on this photo does not exists anymore unfortunately.
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neither sets nor rises, but
flows eternally together with the lives of the
people of Struga

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Fishing nets hanging from long wooden poles attached on trees along the Lake shore.
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Fishermen in a small boat ("kajche") just taking off. Their nets hanging stretched on poles on the beach.
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The Lake
with every wave or just a ripple
whispers to him constantly,
it whispers to me: With you I exist
Without you ... like I'm gone

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Another view on the banks of the river in the old days, on the beginning of the 20th century.
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To have a shop in Struga
to sit on the “kepenci”-lids on the shopping windows ... potters,
goldsmiths, fishermen, blacksmiths, furnace bakers,
saddlers, tinmen ...

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An old street with old houses in old Struga, which also does not exist anymore. Note the typical old Macedonian architecture.
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The photos are courtesy of Dimitar N. Miladinov.